Wednesday 23 May 2012

Ken Robinson's task on creativity

Ken Robinson's task on creativity

First of all, it is really a very interesting topic because; here, in our university, we have to deal with creativity every day. That is, if we are not creative, we will definitely lead our lives to boredom. I agree with Ken Robinson on the fact that today’s educational system has killed our talent and creativity. They shaped us in such a way that when people come to university, they are focused only in one way. According to Ken Robinson, nowadays students have been educated in such a way to become good workers, rather than a creative thinker that is far from being cultivated for their energy and curiosity he says: “we are educating people out of their creativity”. As you can see, it is totally true. It can be seen that is a message with deep resonance. 

As it was written in the begging of this subject, computers make people lazy. It is totally true. University students nowadays do not spend too much time in doing a task. It is good but now they postpone too much. They leave the task to do in the last minute of the due date. For example, in my EFL126 class, I have to admit that leave some of the tasks for the last minute of the due date because I know that if I go to my computer and connect to the internet; there are sites that will do the tasks for me. I will not open my mind and I will not be focused in those tasks. Meaning that, most of the things I will not learn. It is good because I will save a lot of time, but I will not learn properly. I will not give my best, that’s what I can say. 

I think I was more creative when I was in high school rather than now as university student because in high school, although I had lots of subjects to study, they diverged in a way that it was funny and good to study. We could think in different to things to do only one task. High school students have options. They can think on different careers, things that they want to do at the moment. Now, as university student, I became focused in only one thing. At the moment we choose what we want to do, we abdicate of most of other things we also wanted to do. For example, I did not want only to be a petroleum engineer; I wanted to be also a doctor or an environmentalist. But now, I am so focused on being a petroleum engineer that I forgot my old dreams unfortunately.

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps you can still combine some of your high school dreams with your chosen career path--being an environmentally friendly petroleum engineer will be a big challenge. And, remember that we will run out of oil sooner than later, so you might have a chance for a second career. :)
