Sunday 18 March 2012

"What precautions can be taken to minimize the negative effects that petroleum industry has on offshore environment?
Hi guys,as you can see my topic is related to environmental issues, more specifically on offshore. I'm interested in this topic because firstly I am a undergraduated student in petroleum engineering, secondly I am an ambientalist person( if I can say that). And as we know, petroleum industries cause a lot of damages and destructions in our environment and in the environment of other species. In this reseach paper, I will focus my attention on the precautions that can be taken to reduce the negative effects that the petroleum industries cause offshore, that means, in deep sea.


  1. there are many things that pollute our environment.Yes you are right your topic is very important. Are you going to mention other sources of pollution?

    1. Meryem - within the terms of reference of this research, the issue Carla is focusing on is the precautions taken to prevent any harmful effects in deep sea oil drilling, so the issue of other sources of pollution is not relevant.

      Carla - I'm not sure about the word "ambientalist" -- I've never seen this before. Can you give me an idea of what it means?

    2. Sorry Professor I mixed portuguese with english(it happens a lot) I would to mean "environmentalist".

  2. Meryem, I would like to write about few more kind of pollution but it would be too broad. so, I will focus my attention in the pollution affecting the animals living offshore, that means, in marine environment more specifically in gulf of mexico where it happened that big disaster in 2010

  3. Hi Carla. Nice topic :). As you said petroleum industries lead to a lot of demages in our environment. Autories should take some serious measures.I hope the precautions that you will offer can be advantageous for our environment.

    1. you are so right Ozlem. but i think they are working on that nowadays. I can say, from the articles i've been reading from the past weeks, they are taking a lot of precaution to decrease the number of damage they cause in our environment.thank you for comment in my topic.
